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Climbers and Clematis


At Abercorn we believe our nursery has one of the largest selections of climbers in the local area.

Climbers can fulfill many roles in the garden. For those dificult to cover fences and walls where you do not have much room at the base, climbers will give flower colour, foliage and are often evergreen as well giving all year round coverage.

Our range of climbers includes a good range of Hedera (Ivys) which are evergreen, many with variegated foliage to add more interest as well as the old favourites like Honeysuckle, Jasmine and Trachleospermum many of which have fragrant flowers. We have Potato Vines (Solanum), Hydrangea, Actinidia and Abutilon for more unusual flowers

Almost throughout the year there is a clematis flowering. By far the largest collection is the Large Flowered varieties which, depending on the variety flower from Early Summer to Autumn. while close behind are the many varieties of the Species Clematis which flower at various times of the year whith smaller, but I would say more interesting flowers.


The species varieties include Clematis alpina, Clematis eriostemon, Clematis flamula, Clematis florida, Clematis macropetala, Clematis montana, Clematis orientalis and Clematis viticella to name a few. With all of these species there are many different shapes and colours of flowers, growing heights and aspects that they prefer.

One group of clematis which are becoming more and more popular are the evergreen varieties. The two most popular types are the Clematis armandii group which are quite vigarous with long narrow leathery leaves and with white fragrant flowers. The Clematis cirrhosa group which can flower with unusual bell like flowers tend to flower in the Winter and early Spring but have pretty divided leaves and fluffy seed heads.

Clematis have many different flowering periods depending on the variety so when planning, you may be able to have some form of climbing flower in the garden most of the year.

When choosing your climber or clematis always consider the aspect (how much sun it will receive), when the flowering period is and does it require any support to grow up

Planting Climbers and Clematis

The planting is quite simple. Prepare the soil by digging in a good composted manure to improve the soil. Make sure the hole at least 2-3 times the size of the container and slightly deeper. This wil give plenty of aerated soil around the root which helps young growth.

Mix the comosted manure with the soil at the base of the hole and place plant into the hole. Back fill with the soil compost mixture and firm down. for best results sprinkle a small handfull of Bone Meal around the base of the plant and water in.

Depending on the plant a trellis or a series of wires may need to be attached to the wall or fence as many climbers will have tendrils which can cling to the trellis. When young you may need to start this procees by tying in the stems by hand. Other plants such as the Ivys will cling to the wall or fence by their own suckers

Often climbers are intermixed for effect. When choosing these plants, consider the maintanence which may be required as some varieties will need to be cut back hard each year while others will be left or only lightly trimmed. It is difficult to untangle the two types of plant in this instance !