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Roses are quintessentially English. Some would say that every garden should have some !  Roses come in many forms including Bush, Climbers, Shrub, Patio, Miniture and Standard

Within the different groups the flowers also vary from single to double, some with fragrance, repeat flowering and more. The key types that are popular today are the Modern Hybrid Tea, Floribunda Patio and Old Shrub types

Bush HT and Floribunda

There are many Hybrid Tea type roses including a great range of colours and some with fragrance. These tend to give a single flower per stem as you would find when buying when buying a bouquet.

Floribunda types also come in many colours and can also be fragrant. The flowers form in clusters on the stems and therfore the bush appears more 'full' of colour.

Climbers and Ramblers

Climbing rose varieties can vary in size to include ones that only grow to 6ft up to 20ft or more. The colours are varied and again many can be fragrant. The stems of a climbing rose tend to be more erect and upright growing while Rambling roses have much more flexible stems which bend over more easily. These are ideal for growing over an arch or other structures.

Patio and Miniature

Patio roses are ideal for growing in pots. They tend to be more compact and have beautiful scaled down blooms in both HT. and Floribunda forms. The colours that have been bred can be quite stunning with many peach and orange colours.

Shrub roses are often assimulated with the grower David Austin who has bred and developed new varieties which have improved qualities from their older forms. Shrub roses tend to grow as a large mound and have masses of blooms which can be wonderfully fragrant. Groundcover roses are low growing and spread out to form a carpet. The blooms are less spectacular but these plants are ideal for adding variation of form in the rose garden.Shrub and Groundcover

Standard and Patio Standard

To give extra height to a rose garden, Standard or Patio standard roses are a must. Ideal for lining a path or acting as a focal point in a bed. A standard rose has typically a 3ft stem before the selected variety shoots from the top wheras a Patio standard has a shorter stem and the chosen varieties tend to be the smaller growing patio types.

Celebration Roses

We stock many differnt roses which are suitable for a celebration. Including varities such as Silver, Golden, Diamond Anniversary and Happy birthday and many more, Please give us a call 01245 257 398 to check stock as it depends on the time of year. We are also happy to source any types of roses we may not have if possible.